Sunday, 26 December 2010

Merry Christmas :)

I would just like to say Merry Christmas to everybody and i hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas :) from lisa

Friday, 24 December 2010

merry christmas and a happy new year

merry christmas and a happy new year everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope that Santa gives you everything you hoped for and i hope that you all have a wonderful christmas that is filled with magic xxx

Well see you all on the 10th January  2011

By Chloe                                 

the holidays

Now that its the holidays I was at my cousin Jay's house to stay for a little while

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year!!

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone hope you get what you want for Christmas and have a lovely holiday!!!!Also have a Happy New Year and good luck for the new year ahead!!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone and A Happy New Year,
From Beckyxxxxx :-)

Listen to us on Forth One online!!

Listen online to us singing 'It's a Magical Time'. You should all be very proud of yourselves! Make sure you show your parents and friends!

Monday, 20 December 2010

Santa Run!!

Has anyone seen so many santa's before (I haven't!)It's a run they do in Edinburgh when everybody dresses up as santa and run through the gardens.They raise money and give it to a special charity!!It looks abit funny but I say it's worth it!!

By Becky

Tag Clouds!!

Has anyone done a Tag Cloud yet at home. Me and Kerri made one in class about christmas things.They are really fun and are fun to make by changing the font ,colour and all the other things.I have not done one at home yet but i'm going to try do one.Tag Clouds are a fun way of spelling I say.

Hope we can print the ones we made,
By Becky

Friday, 17 December 2010

last video from Leah Katie Chloe
another video from Leah Katie Chloe
another video from Leah Katie Chloe
Snow video  so much fun!!!!!

By Leah,Katie and chloe

Snow Time

Ohhh No Its To Snow Again Next week so i think we might be off school!! we will all have to do the packs we got  home with us!! I think its going to be a white christmas after all

By Chloe

white christmas

In west lothian next week it has to be -14 and to snow

nooooooo!!!! so  get ready to do the parks we got home.

It is a bit better than going to school !!!

no we might miss our class party !!!    from katie x

Thursday, 16 December 2010


Parties is mostly all were doing next week.There's ours on Monday,Step Five party and p1/2 on Tuesday and i think p3/4 on Wednesday.Oh and good luck on wednesday with are carol.

By Becky! :-)

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Forth One visit Bridgend Primary School!

We couldn't be more excited...we have just had Boogie, Arlene and Dingo from Forth One in our school!! We were chosen as only one of the 12 schools in Edinburgh and the Lothians for their feature 'Kids Christmas Carols'. We sung 'It's a Magical Time' beautifully, got to chat to them and even got their autographs! What a super day we all had.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Well done Katie!

A big well done to Katie who won the Scottish Food Challenge. All of the children in our class designed a Scottish Menu for a local competition and winners were picked from primary schools across Linlithgow- Katie was one of them! We are really proud of her and especially because she had some Orkney inspired food on her menu - that really is applying our learning in class to real life situations!!

Katie was lucky enough to get to go to Linlithgow Academy to cook her Scottish meals and present them like a real chef would. She even got to eat them!! Here is a look at her Menu...
Starter: Cullen Skink
Main Course: Balmoral Chiken & Clapshot
Dessert: Orkney Fudge Cheesecake
Mmmm...sounds yummy and looks even better - check out the photos!

You look like a professional Katie!

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Philpstoun Are Coming Back To School!!

Philpstoun pupils are supposed to be getting to school.Our buses are supposed to be picking us up and bringing us back.I sure hope so because i'm getting bored of being at home and we have had to  cancel our fair and show. Hopefully our parties are still going to be on.

By Becky :-)

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

If you had one wish to change something about this winter what would it be? No matter if it's more snow or less snow or anything else,it's your wish!!!

By Becky,P6.

Back at School (well most of us!!)

I was really sad that school was off for a week! I am not sure if my little sister would say the same thing.
by Elliot P6

Monday, 6 December 2010

News as of Monday 6th December

Well some of us managed to make it into school for a couple of hours today...but then we all got sent home again when it started to snow very heavily again. The snow is so deep and it just keeps snowing- we won't be at school AGAIN tomorrow (Tuesday 7th December) and we really are beginning to miss lots of important work. Please visit Glow to see some recommended work to do while we are off- otherwise we will be struggling to catch up in class, particularly with our maths & language.
If you cannot access Glow for whatever reason, please let me know via here.
In the meantime here are some fab websites for maths & language:

I will be online most of the day tomorrow so please get in touch via here or Glow. There will be lots of ticks & jewels to be earned for those who show me how responsible they are for their own learning by doing some of these activities!

Have fun!!
Miss Robinson :) 

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Snow Days!!

Yes, as Jack as stated, it is sad but true, that we are all off school for a whole week. I hope you are all having lots of fun in the snow- if you can post any photos on to the blog to show us that would be brilliant!!
A fun task could be for everyone to take a photo of the snow around their house/area and we can compare them when we get into school. Here are a couple of my photos:

It's certainly cold!! Take care & let me know what you are all up to. I have also posted discussions/activities on our class page on GLOW- check this out!!

snow break from school

bridgend primary school is CLOSED ( yippee :) ), it's sad but rad!!! jack p6

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Children in Need

We raised so much money for charity- we got to cream all of our teachers! All in the name of charity of course! As you can see we enjoyed EVERY SINGLE MINUTE!

Here is Miss Robinson getting CREAMED!

Our Bake Sale went down a treat! We baked all of the goods ourselves and we counted all of the money raised by the whole school- pat on the back for P6/7!

Wear your spots, lets raise lots!!! Wowza, we had a ton of fun having a Bake Sale and sponsored activities! Plus we splated 16 teachers with shaving foam!!! 

P6/7 organised the whole day and we raised over £1,100 for Children in Need- well done everyone!! This is a great achievement for a school of only 100 pupils.  

Posted by Heather Mackay P6

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Beecraigs Activity Trip

P6/7 have had a fantastic time away at Beecraigs! We did lots of different types of activities from climbing to canoeing, orienteering & hill walking!! We all had a fantastic time, despite the freezing weather, and we didn't want our time there to end.

We will be making mini movies about our experiences and inviting parents and friends in very this space!

Monday, 25 October 2010

Homework Experiment- Reading (using context clues)

A focus for P6/7 this term will be looking at the work of various authors and thinking about how we can work out the meaning of words we don't know. It is really important at this stage for us to practice using and reading new words.  However, we need to build our confidence in trying to work out the meaning of unknown words from the rest of the surrounding words in the sentence and paragraph.

For this weeks homework please work your way through the activities on this link.  When you have completed the activity PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT. It is important you do this so that we know what everyone thinks about our 'Homework Experiment'!...I look forward to reading your feedback.
Miss RobinsonClick here!

Homework- could we do through the use of computers?

By now in P6/7 we are all familiar with our homework timetable. However, since we have been completing lots of tasks in class on the computer, could we do the same with our homework? Do you think you would enjoy doing your homework more if it was on the computer? Do you think it would make homework easier/harder to complete? Technology is developing and improving every day but do you think involving homework in this process is a step too far?
Please leave your suggestions to this post through the comments! I would be very interested to see what you think!!
Miss Robinson

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Orkney Assembly

P6/7's assembly was fantastic- we wrote it ourselves!
It was all based around Magnus and Maggie's living room- where they were watching TV! On the TV was...
Orkney's Ready, Steady Cook!
Antiques Roadshow (in Orkney!)
Orkney Enders (bases on East Enders- but set in Orkney)
Match of the Day (which was showing 'The Ba'- an Orkney game played at Christmas and New Year)

We had a fantastic time writing it, singing the Orkney Anthem and performing! We even made up our own 'Orkney Song' based on a very well known tune...have a watch of the video to see if you know the tune!

We hope all the parents and children that came to watch enjoyed it. In addition to this, we hope our friends in Orkney at Glaitness Primary School will be able to watch this clip and let us know what they think!!

Monday, 4 October 2010

Harvest Celebrations

P6/7 read out some fantastic Harvest poems at our recent Harvest assembly about sharing and giving. The whole school brought in lots of food to share with our community and P6/7 got to drop it off at our local community hall. Well done to all of those who brought food in- we had lots to give and share!

Eatwell Project

We recently had a visit from some S4 students from Linlithgow Academy. They have designed a Healthy Eating Competition and were telling us about how to enter it- as well as quizing us on our knowledge of the Eatwell Plate. We did really well and even got to taste lots of  healthy food, yum!

P6/7 Rugby Training

P6/7 are really enjoying getting trained by professional coaches in rugby every Tuesday morning. On Wednesday 13th October we are going to take part in a Rugby Festival and play against all of the other primary schools in Linlithgow.

Thursday, 16 September 2010

Bridgend - Glaitness Link

P6/7's reading passports from Glaitness P6 children
All of P6/7 are very excited to be making friends with P6 at Glaitness Primary School in Orkney. Recently we sent and received passports about ourselves to each other. We really enjoyed looking through these and we can't wait to start emiling them.

P6/7 are learning about Orkney

P6/7 have been having a fantastic time learning about Orkney. Although at first we didn't know where it was (some of us thought it was in Africa!!)...we could all now name lots of different islands and landmarks in Orkney. We have made Orkney chairs, painted the Ring of Brodgar and researched different landmarks in Orkney to make tourist leaflets. In addition to this we had a super 'Orkney Food Tasting' session- we had patties, Orkney cheese, Orkney oatcakes & clapshot! Have a look at some of the 'Orkney' inspired things we have done...