Thursday, 16 September 2010

Bridgend - Glaitness Link

P6/7's reading passports from Glaitness P6 children
All of P6/7 are very excited to be making friends with P6 at Glaitness Primary School in Orkney. Recently we sent and received passports about ourselves to each other. We really enjoyed looking through these and we can't wait to start emiling them.

P6/7 are learning about Orkney

P6/7 have been having a fantastic time learning about Orkney. Although at first we didn't know where it was (some of us thought it was in Africa!!)...we could all now name lots of different islands and landmarks in Orkney. We have made Orkney chairs, painted the Ring of Brodgar and researched different landmarks in Orkney to make tourist leaflets. In addition to this we had a super 'Orkney Food Tasting' session- we had patties, Orkney cheese, Orkney oatcakes & clapshot! Have a look at some of the 'Orkney' inspired things we have done...