Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Children in Need

We raised so much money for charity- we got to cream all of our teachers! All in the name of charity of course! As you can see we enjoyed EVERY SINGLE MINUTE!

Here is Miss Robinson getting CREAMED!

Our Bake Sale went down a treat! We baked all of the goods ourselves and we counted all of the money raised by the whole school- pat on the back for P6/7!

Wear your spots, lets raise lots!!! Wowza, we had a ton of fun having a Bake Sale and sponsored activities! Plus we splated 16 teachers with shaving foam!!! 

P6/7 organised the whole day and we raised over £1,100 for Children in Need- well done everyone!! This is a great achievement for a school of only 100 pupils.  

Posted by Heather Mackay P6

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Beecraigs Activity Trip

P6/7 have had a fantastic time away at Beecraigs! We did lots of different types of activities from climbing to canoeing, orienteering & hill walking!! We all had a fantastic time, despite the freezing weather, and we didn't want our time there to end.

We will be making mini movies about our experiences and inviting parents and friends in very this space!