Thursday, 31 March 2011

Easter fair tommorow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Easter Fair is tommorow there will be lots of things to buy like books, game and more more more!

There is lots of Candle holders made by the one and only P6/7 for just £1 and friendship bracelets, books from 10p-50p that is a bargain! See you there!

Katie P7
Happy Easter everyone!

Thursday, 24 March 2011

Sunny Days

Is everyone having a great time in the sun. I am playing with my pals.

by Kerri Mackie

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Easter almost here!

In class we are going to be looking at how Easter is celebrated around the world. This is what we will be presenting on at our Easter Assembly.

Have a look at the following link to see how other countries celebrate Easter.

Easter Around the World

WW2 Gas Masks

by David myles


Parents evening tonight people are like this ::::( and people are like this :¬)           BY KERRI AND HEATHER  Go to fullsize image 

Easter Fair!

On the 1st of April at Bridgend primary we are having a Easter Fair. there will be lots of stuff there like hot dogs candle on sale and bracelets and More More More!!

Hope you can come please tell your parents. each class will be making something for this fair so the things will be home made and will be very cheap. there will also be a raffle and tombola which is for kids and adults( cant wait,)

Also please bring in some old stuff so we can sell it in the  brick-a -brac sale to raise money for BRIDGEND PRIMARY SCHOOL.

By Katie P7

What Are All Of You People Up To This Weekend ?????

what are all of people up to this weekend and easter holiday


Well done all of the brilliant bloggers

Well done  

BY KIERAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did everybody like making the freindship bands

Hope that you liked doing it, i did .comment back.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

100 Posts P6/7!!

Wow - we have reached 100 posts! It is great to see you all posting so much about your learning, achievements and interests.
You are all gaining so many diiferent ICT skills and abilities, not to mention creating a fantastic memory board of all of our experiences during P6/7. In fact your ICT skills have led to us being nominated for the 'Technology Award' in the Scottish Education Awards 2011. This is a super achievement for us all - well done!
Keep up your pleasant, playful and persistent posts (10 x jewels for the first person to comment telling me what feature of language I have just used?)...
Here's to lots more posting P6/7!

Miss Robinson :)

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Maths Millionaire Game 

Try out this game called maths milllionaire, give it a go.

Go to fullsize image

Friday, 18 March 2011

personal project

personal project is soooooo annoying

p.s c+r+a+z+y = shane
  little little = shane !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                 

Mr Petty's WW2 Talk

Mr Petty's WW2 talk was really interesting he showed us WW2 toys like the cup and ball,hook and girdle and the spinning top he also showed gasmask's we even got to wear one and he showed us a picture of the Lancastire Bomber!

By Elliot

Thursday, 17 March 2011

Personal Project

I am nearly done i have been trying so much to make it good but its to be in for the 4 April so that ain`t that bad anyway i need to go i am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz !

Kristian ; ]

Reward Afternoon

Today on the 17th march we had a reward afternoon and it was fantastic two people from each class went. P1/2 : Heather and Isle     P3/4 : Abigal and Kieran  P5/6 : Kiera and Courtney   P6/7 : Me (Kristian) and Katie  thank you Miss Robinson for chosing me and thank you Mrs Barron for a fab day !

By Kristian

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Big Well Done to all you 'Brilliant Bloggers!!'

I would like to say a big well done to all of the 'Brilliant Bloggers' in our class! Some of you are blogging regularly, adding links, uploading photos, videos - it is fantastic to see and very interesting for me to read about:) Please keep it up!! Remember, this blog is as much about you all sharing your learning as it is about me updating you and your family and friends about our school work and life.

Katie, Heather, Chloe, Lisa, are our 'TOP BLOGGERS of the YEAR' so far! Big pat on the back!

Miss Robinson :)

Monday, 14 March 2011

Evacuees and WW2 topic

We now have an evacuee staying at our homes ( Not in real life just in our diaries.)

Also we have been writing in our diaries, they are like Anne Frank's but we have to be us we have to stay in Bridgend and have to go to Bridgend Primary. It is quiet hard because we are trying to write in it everyday it is working out ok!

Sometimes Miss Robinson puts on the air raid sound and we have to get out identity cards and show them to her but if we don't show them to her in time she takes jewels of the table that the person sits at.

I like this project. if you are the same plaese comment and I will know who likes this project!

Katie x

Saturday, 12 March 2011


Our Fairtrade assembly was such a sucsess every class was great.The Fairtrade shop was fantastic i got lots of stuff.Well done to everyone in my class for working so hard.Also the fairtrade chocolate was delicious. 
by Lisa

Friday, 4 March 2011

Go to fullsize imagethe Jive           HEATHER  

!!!!!!! TENNIS !!!!!!!

WE all had great fun at our tennis in p.e we had a coach called Michale he was really nice to all of us.

Miss Robinson took lots of pictures and we got little goodie bags at the end.


P7 quiz at Springfeild!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last week me, Lisa, Nathaniel and Kristian went to Springfield school for a quiz some of the questions were very hard we came 6th. Low Port won.

Miss Robinson took us. We revised hard and when we got there no questions that we had revised was in the quiz but on the last round we got 8 out of 8 so we done well on that on but the first round we only go 2 but it was very fun and a day out of school.

Well Done to all of us that went!!!!!!!

We all got a certificate and Kristian brought his teddy for good luck.

Katie x

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Go to fullsize image                            

click the link above to see pictures of anne frank.

Go to fullsize image                                
                                                                                                     anne frank

fairtrade fortnight

we are doing a fair trade fortnight and all the classes have a different subject on fair trade our class is looking at cotton and we are having a fair trade coffee morning on the 11th of march all welcome

so show of your label .