Monday, 11 July 2011

Hello Everyone!

Hey Guys, What is everyone up to then?, i hope you are all having wonderful summer holidays. Also I hope you are having fun Miss Robinson in Egypt!, and we are wondering if we are keeping blogger? (we hope we are).

If yous are making a new blog after the summer holidays are the primary 7's allowed to use it as well?.

Here is a back to school website with lots of games on it that we hope you enjoy: Back to school games!

So long folks, We hope to update yous all soon and please comment! =]

From Heather and Lisa :) :D =] =D         


  1. WHY IS NO ONE COMMENTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    from Heather and Lisa =D

  2. I am having a super summer, although it is going too fast, wouldn't you agree?
    Miss Robinson :)

  3. Gd ye i would agree on the first week on he Friday i want to come up after sschool and see all the teacher s xx :)

  4. *good *the *School

    and the post was from Lisa


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