Sunday, 23 January 2011

Scottish Week- Pittin the Mither Tongue on the Wab!

Ach weel we are gonnae hiv a braw auld time learnin' aboot Scots the morn an' all week!!

Scots week kicks of tomorrow at school and I am sure we all have lots of ideas/games/songs/facts about Scotland or that we consider Scottish that we can yarn and yap aboot in class!!

 We are going to be looking at the geography of Scotland- dividing up into 'Peedie Pals' to research and create leaflets/posters for given areas of Scotland. At the end of the week we will present our areas to the class and the best pair who sell us their Scottish destination like real tourist boards will win a fantastic Scots hamper!

We will also be looking at a variety of Scottish food and drinks products and using our knowledge of line and perspective to draw these. Of course Scots week wouldn't be very Scottish without a wee keek at Robert Burns and some other Scottish poets literary works. In addition to this we will be taking a modern look at Scotland through our own version of comic strips based on 'The Broons'.

I am very much looking forward to it and hopefully some of P6/7 can update the blog daily in class with how we are getting on with our variety of Scottish projects! Watch this space...

1 comment:

  1. I love learning about Scotland because i get to find out about more things about where i live! I like singing scottish songs aswell!!



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