Monday, 31 January 2011

Space Animations...3...2...1....BLAST OFF!

Our Space Animations are finally almost finished. I am so proud of everyone in P6/7 who worked extremely hard in the 'making' process of the animations. They took lots of patience and time...but we all got there. Now we all have some fantastic DVDs made by our-super-selves!!
We will be celebrating our achievements on Wednesday morning in school when we will evaluate all of the animations.

For now let me remind you of the Space Animation process with 'The Making of....' video clip...

As you can see form this clip your collaborative learning, cooperation and 'quality discussion' skills are FANTASTIC P6/7...give yourselves a BIG CROCODILE CLAP! Enjoy!
Miss Robinson :)


  1. I thought that the space animations were great and that everyone did great!!!
    Becky :-D

  2. Me too Becky!! We will see how good they all are tomorrow when we peer assess them, I'm sure the outcomes will be fab!
    Miss Robinson


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